Kamis, 19 April 2012


Leuser_jungletour is one of the local trekking operator that base in Bukit Lawang, the member of this team some of qualified guide, set up  small organization to help the TREKKERS to do Jungle Trekking in around Leuser National Park  in order to standard of the quality of the trekking service give more information about the flora and fauna. Our package tour are COLLECTIVE, its just feel free to contact us and we help you to arrange the trek even you are just a single person. Our Trek is start every day with a small number of participants we organized the trip every day from 3 hours till 10 days. We offer this mostly for backpackers tourist who seek more adventurous. Our team ready to lead you to enjoy the tropical rain forest............... 

 Team member

K e n o l

E d y


Gunung Leuser National Park is representative of coastal forest ecosystems, and tropical rain forest lowlands to the mountains.Type of rock composed of sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks, limestone, rock pluton, rocks and other rock alluvium, the terrain is dominated by a complex of brown podzolic, podzolic text for further details.

Gunung Leuser National Park is one established by UNESCO as abiosphere preserve.  Based on the
cooperation between Indonesia Malaysia, also designated as "Sister Parks" by the State Parks National Park (Malaysia).

Flora potentialThe area consists of coastal forests / swamps, lowland forest, upland forest and large areas of mountain forest ecosystems dominated by Dipterocarpaceae with rare flora and typical Raflesia atjehensis Johanesteinimania altifrons (giant umbrella tree) and Rizanthes zippelnii which is the largest flower, the rare and protected with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In addition, there is a unique plant or plant that is drought fig.Gunung Leuser National Park, has a spread of a complete forest vegetation of the coastal forest vegetation / swamps, lowland forests, upland forests and mountains. It is estimated there are about 3,500 species of flora.Potential FaunaGunung Leuser National Park is also rich in fauna species ranging from mammals and / Primates, Carnivora, Herbivores, Aves, Reptiles, Amphibious, Pisces and invertebrates. It is estimated there are about 89 species of animals that are endangered and protected here in addition to other wildlife species.For these types of mammals and / Primate Gunung Leuser National Park has 130 species of mammal or a third of the forty two kinds of mammals in the world or a quarter of the total number of species of mammals that exist in Indonesia. Among the most prominent is Mawasa (Pongo pygmaeus abelii), Sarudung (Hylobates lar), Siamang (Hylobates syndactilus), monkey (Macaca fascicularis), monkey (Macaca nemestriana) and Kedih (Presbytis thomasi). For carnivorous species such as the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Bear (Helarctos malayanus), Sumatran tiger (tigris Phantera Sumatraensis). Kinds of herbivorous animals such as elephants (Elephas maximus), Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatraensisi), deer (Cervus unicolor).Wildlife species Aves / birds, it is estimated there are about 325 species of birds in the Gunung Leuser National Park or the twenty-third of the number of bird species in the world. Among the most prominent is the Rhinoceros hornbills (Buceros rhinoceros).Reptiles and Amphibians of fauna species fauna is dominated by poisonous snakes and crocodiles (Crocodillus sp). For fauna species of interest is the Fish Pisces Jurung (Tor sp), which is a typical fish and meat Alas River famous for its delicious and can reach lengths of 1 meter. While the types of invertebrates fauna, dominated by butterfly.Endangered and protected forests are found in Gunung Leuser National Park, among others:

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii)
Sumatran rhinoceros (sumatrensis Dicerorhinus)
Sumatran tiger stripes (Panthera tigris sumatrae)
Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus)
Honey Bear (Helarctos malayanus)
Birds hornbills Board (Buceros bicornis)
Dog Dhole (Cuon Alpinus)Gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus)Tourism Object and Research PotentialGunung Leuser National Park, next to a nature conservation area which is rich in flora and fauna is also rich in beautiful scenery and can be used as an object in Ekotourism activities such as adventure in the outdoors / walking in the forest, recreation, camping, birdwatching , fishing, rafting / rafting and other zones in the Utilization of Gunung Leuser National Park. Gunung Leuser National Park is also the most complete meruapakan natural laboratory and is a great potential for research activities and the shooting of the film.Potential Region:The best visiting season is June s / d in October. Some sites / attractions to visit, among others:Gurah. See and enjoy the scenery, valleys, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, observing animals and plants such as Rafflesia flower, Orang Utan, Birds, Snakes and Butterflies.Bohorok Orangutan Rehabilitation. See the Orang Utan being fed, but that there are panorama of the river, camping, and bird watching.Kluet. Boating on the rivers and lakes, trekking in coastal forests and caving. This region is the base of the tiger.Sekundur. Camping, caving and observing animals.Suak Ketambe and leatherback. The study of primates and other wildlife that comes home and library research.Gunung Leuser (3404 m asl), and Pecan Mountain (3314 m asl). Climbing and hiking. To climb the mountain, there are 2 (two) the highest peak that can be used as a Destination Point ascent on the other side of the mountain peaks.Gunung Leuser (3404 M)Travel to the summit of Mount Leuser can be started from Agusan (west Blangkejeren - Southeast Aceh) with an estimated travel time of 15 days and from Panosan (Blangkejeren - Southeast Aceh) with an estimated travel time of 9 days.
Object Gunung Leuser field than the field who can enjoy the pristine tropical forests, lush highland forests, moss forests vast fields of wild flowers, tigers, deer, birds and other primate species.    Pecan mountain (3314 M)The journey to the summit of Mount Pecan can be started from Gumpang (Southeast Aceh - Aceh Province DI) through the slopes to the west of the River Alas, with an estimated travel time for 5 days.Objects that can be enjoyed is a virgin tropical forests, panoramic summit of Mount Leuser and Mt Treasurer, City of Kutacane, primates (Orang Utan, Gibbon, Siamang, Kera), deer, tigers and more.Alas River Rafting. River rafting down the activities Alas, it can be done at the site:Alas River (Gurah - Southeast Aceh) to wave (South Aceh) with distribution routes, namely:Of Gurah to Situlen Estuary, the travel time for 2 days.Gurah until the waves, the travel time for 5 days.
From Muara Situlen to wave, 3 days travel time.Infrastructure AvailableFacilities and infrastructure available at the tourist attraction, among other things: traditional inn s / d bungalows, a cafeteria / restaurant, visitor center / tourist information, a path (trail) to enjoy the forests, hot springs, waterfalls, camping area, tower, shelter and officers Gunung Leuser National Park guides are experienced and ready for a variety of activities.Visitor Centre in Bukit Lawang BoerohokAttractions to enjoy a panorama of natural tropical forests and traditional folk villages along the banks of the River Foundation, a fast-flowing river calm terrain until the rains and the cascade-jeramnya which brings its own preoccupations and require high courage. And also the types of animals that break the bank like primates, deer, wild boar, elephants, birds, and bathing in the river Alas the cool and clear.How to Achieve National Park Location:

Medan - Kutacane (+ 240 km), 8 hours by car.
Kutacane - Gurah / Ketambe (+ 35 km), 30 minutes by car.
Medan - Bohorok / Bukit Lawang (+ 80 km), 3 hour by car.
Medan - Sei Betung Sekundur (+ 150 km), 4 hours by car.
Medan - Tread Master (+ 260 km), 10 hours by car.




If you just have a limit time in Bukit Lawang you still can do a small activities in the Park, the trekking will be only for short hike to the up hill, explore the area might be see wild life, primates very comment seen on this part of the trek.
This kind of trek just to feel the jungle......

The Itinerary.
Meet the guide at Guest House, walk up the river.
Start the trek early in morning going up to the Orangutan Feeding Platform, afterwards going to explore the park, the guide will tell about flora and fauna, traditional medicine, etc.
The Price : Rp. 300.000,- / person minimum : 2 persons.
Included : Orangutan Permit ( NOT camera permit ), Drinking  water and Guide.

This part of the trek more excited to explore more the park, the trek takes around 5 to 6 hours, walking trough the secondary and primary tropical rain forest, possible see some wild life.
The Itinerary.
Meet the Guide at Guest House.
In morning  after breakfast and ready for a good day, going up to Orangutan feeding Platform afterwards going for walking in the Jungle the guide will teach about flora and fauna, traditional medicine. The lunch picnic will prepare with the guide, afternoon back to the village by tube / 
rafting down the river.
The Price : Rp. 450.000,- / person. Minimum 2 persons.
Included   : Orangutan Permit ( NOT camera permit ),
Drinking water, Lunch ( meal/ fruits) Guide, 
Rafting down the river. 
The stuff will put in plastic sack dry bag.

For people have a bit more time stay in BUkit Lawang, lets do the 2 days trekking, enjoy the tropical rain forest, see wild life ( primate ).

The Itinerary.
Day 1
Meet the Guide at Guest house, going up the river to visit the Orangutan feeding platform, afterward going for the trek the guide will teach about flora and fauna. Lunch will be in the jungle, afternoon arrive at camp site, get relax or enjoy the river for swim possible to help cook for dinner with the crew, spent the night and evaluation of the trip and also guide will tell the program for next day.

Day 2
After breakfast, prepare for the next day going for other walk or just relax before going down to the village with tube, rafting down to guest house.

Price       :     Rp. 850.000,- / person Min : 2 persons
Included  :      Orangutan permit ( NOT camera permit ), food,
rafting, camping equipment, guide.
We have then sleeping mat, sleeping bag,


We are based in Bukit Lawang Village 
visit us at Parking Area Bukit Lawang
Harmony net.

+62 (0) 85277085908